Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Is Alienware A Good Brand

knitted cashmere tips and tricks

The winter is coming and then started wearing our cashmere sweater we care so much and that when it comes time to wash it we wonder : the ruin?

Rule number one: wash inside out!
First, the leader in wool, particularly fine as cashmere, should be washed inside out, so as to avoid the formation of those horrible balls. If you do not want to spend an afternoon to remove from vostor favorite sweater, then please take a note of this advice. in lukewarm water, pour a cap of detergent for cashmere and leave to soak for an hour. To make the head or soft you can use a fabric softener or a teaspoon of baking soda into the rinse water.
Another effective method would be to put in place of bicarbonate, two or three peeled potatoes, which will help to reinvigorate the color of the head, and keep it soft.
After the rinsing step, do not wring your sweater! E ' in this way which may damage it.
You can wrap in a towel, which will absorb excess water.
Once the water went away, you can proceed to spread it.
Remember, it is preferable that you do it horizontally, in an area of \u200b\u200b

home where you can safely leave it until it dries completely.

Joan Gallo
Lavare il cachemire: trucchi e consigli


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