Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Racquetball In Manhattan

Yoga but my other passion which is good for the soul and body

One of my many passions is yoga, I practice now for over ten years with a lot of satisfaction, especially in the aspect of health.

free from anxiety

From Latin Anxi (from Anger, tighten), unpleasant emotional state accompanied by tightness, excitement and fear of future evil, whose main feature is the disappearance or significant reduction of voluntary control and rational personality ' as the dictionary defines anxiety. In fear, we mentioned anxiety as "fear of the outside world inside, in the absence of a stimulus that comes from outside", which, combined with the definition from the dictionary helps us to understand the complexity of this "emotion": ambiguous, elusive, disturbing. And, like fear, you can not deal with or escape.

medical analysis
In psychoanalysis, the anxiety is considered a sense of danger that you do not identify the source, due to unconscious conflicts (and perhaps the mother of all fears, that death, that old age and disease approach). Often considered synonymous with stress (the etymology is the same), thereby treating the cause and effect, and a normal anxiety, like the one test they face an exam, overlaps distressing anxiety that can reach panic attack. Somatization differ: changes in the rhythm of breath, sweating, tachycardia, agitation, feelings of emptiness in my stomach. All reactions usually due to the increase in circulation of some neurotransmitters such as adrenaline. In order to minimize anxiety enact compulsive behaviors or rituals (like the obsessive control of valves and locks, or counting things hoping for an improbable effect superstitious). It also changes the relationship with food with sometimes opposite effects: loss of appetite (the gorge narrows, the stomach is closed and you can not eat) or compulsive hunger (some foods, like chocolate, have a mildly sedating, increasing the production of serotonin). There is thus trapped in a cage of behaviors that you can not control.
philosophical interpretation
According to modern philosophy, the anxiety is inherent in the human condition. Martin Heidegger explains this feeling as "being the key event world "that is connected to the very existence. For Jean-Paul Sartre and Søren Ki-erkegaard awareness of anxiety as existential experience is indeed the premise of freedom of human consciousness. For the contemporary philosopher Salvatore Veca may face anxiety "by agreeing to live with our uncertainties, seeking a balance provisional ... making a gift of us to others. Aware of our incompleteness.

Open up the dialogue
One of the anxiety is the sense of isolation, inadequacy, feeling a anomaly: share your experience with someone is helpful, according to psychologists, to overcome this situation. Moreover, as the Dalai Lama, "frees us from the selfless commitment and specific grounds of discomfort by placing them in a broader perspective these difficulties should not discourage us. Most of the problems, concerns and sadness that punctuate the life-cally derived dall'attac ourselves. " To anchor, facing insecurity, to return to a state of internal balance, despite the changes that take place outside (homeostasis), yoga is a powerful tool.

Lella Calvin


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