advice, opinions and suggestions on SLR cameras. Well yes .... after the break of my compact camera I'm considering the idea of \u200b\u200bbuying a reflex. This frankly is not that prices invoglino spending too much because with 150 € you can buy a good compact 15Mpixel with a 10x zoom camera ... but the temptation is ^___^
Now the problem is that I just do not understand nothing of the thousands of specifications for each product ... here you came into the scene!
I'd like to know what you think of your machine, if you like, you're right, what are the advantages but also the defects, if you can not use it as you want, if you want me to do something but it does not, how long it takes to learn to be decent pictures ... so let me know How's your relationship lawful or unlawful with your camera ^ __ ^
Drop and write what you never dared to confess are fine ... even things like "no camera could not live like that" but conversely "Are you crazy to want to spend all that money to take pictures of the dishes?" or "I am fine with my compact, I would not change the world ever."
Finally, I must apologize to you because these days I'm not able to go to greet you. Unfortunately we are super busy at work and things to do are piling up relentlessly ... and ends that I find myself having to take work home in the evening: (
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