Friday, January 7, 2011

Prom Dress Under 50 Dollars

It's easy to say, breakfast ...

Breakfast for me is the most important meal of the day, what we do not give up never even when I'm in a hurry. I like to have breakfast at home ... I can not ever why do not you love to eat at the bar and standing in a hurry .... I like to take some 'time and to share this time with the people I love. And I like to make a nice breakfast ... prooooooprio plenty of beautiful ^___^

can not say I have a typical breakfast ... my breakfast is definitely made of some elements untouchables who do not ever give up, such as fruits (variable depending on the season) and yoghurt (home made) and elements choice ... a choice depending on what offers the pantry, the foot with which they got out of bed in the morning , and also according to how many pounds of stuff I got off the night before ;-)
So maybe I eat biscuits, or two slices of bread with butter and jam or butter and sugar ... but I do not dislike even two slices of a nice soft bun.
The other day I had breakfast such as eating a good part of this donut ... nothing special, but born from the need to dispose of biscuits. I had several open bags of biscuits in the pantry, I remembered the experiment done with the wafer these muffins, and I got the idea to do a similar thing with the cookies. I said to myself ... that cake and biscuits are!

experiment and a donut came out the grain a bit soft 'and not too rough sweet ... I assure you a nice spread with nutella over his death is ^ _ ^
In fact, I recommend you use a pan instead of a 24 to 22 as I did in order to get a donut a bit 'Altina more ... so you have a nice big frog on which to spread taaaaaaanta nutella.

Doughnut cakes

Ingredients 220g flour 130g sugar

150g biscuit crumbs 2 eggs

80g vegetable oil 1 teaspoon baking powder to taste

milk 1 tablespoon rum

Fit good sugar with the eggs until the mixture to make nice fluffy. Add oil, rum, and flour sifted with baking powder and mix gently with a spatula so as not remove the compound. Add milk so the dough stays nice creamy. Finally add the crushed biscuits (I used a meat mallet), pour the mixture into a greased and floured baking pan and sprinkle with cookie crumbs. Bake at 170 for about 40 minutes.

As you can see, I participate in the fun with this recipe contest Breakfast you of Cramberry .


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