I do not think the case nor the place to put complaints in writing a porridge. The only reflection I want to do is that it can not be more ... but you noticed? From newspapers to TV to the internet there is nothing about him that while there are so many more important issues to be addressed and tackled. I do not want to dwell on various considerations, but I invite you to go see the appeal of Norma .
From Romagna doc I grew up practically breathing the veneration of the pig, the intelligent animal (and loooong clean ...) which nourishes us for many years and you do not throw anything away, the animal that gives us all the culinary delights that are the envy of the world ... at least for what we are envied ^___^
And since one of these delicacies is the ham, today I caught this with ham and goat cheese sandwiches with herbs. I realize that the idea is not exactly innovative and amazing ... and you think that it is not even the original because I was inspired by a recipe view Ready in February. You have to excuse me but between the thermometer, syrup, paracetamol, and so my imagination is a dormant tantinino: - /
However I must say that you leave to eat ;-) and if you want the honest Next time I will try to make them with the culatello and serve with chestnut honey benisssssssimo ... we see them!
Tartine ham and goat
Ingredients (for two)
4 slices of bread
goat ham flavored with chives and marjoram
(if you prefer you can use cheese like Philadelphia) to accompany
extra virgin olive oil pepper
Remove the crust from the slices of bread. Cut them into quarters and form a central hole about half of the squares. Brush with extra virgin olive oil and bake in the oven under the grill for 5 minutes. Working the goat with herbs and crushed pepper so. Now spread the squares with goat cheese and whole sovrapponetevi ones with the hole (the magazine said to spread mustard but I preferred to use the goat). Lined the holes with the ham and place it so as to leave a central space. Fill the space with the goat ... better than I did ;-). Gratin 5 minutes under the grill, complete with a drizzle of honey and serve immediately.
I wish you good weekend, I hope to get back a little bit healthier because I'm planning a weekend intensive and soooooo funny. Since someone asked me news, I greet you with a new picture of my favorite boy wizard. Given what has grown?
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